Bulk Importing Student Enrollments in Pulse

This article explains how to bulk import student enrollments using the Direct Upload option or the Class Search option.

Before you bulk import student enrollments using Direct Upload or Class Search, you will need to create a Student Enrollments Import file.

Bulk Importing Student Enrollments Using Direct Upload

Using the Direct Upload bulk import option is useful for enrolling multiple students into different classes with varying start and end dates.

Click the Play button below to view Bulk Importing Student Enrollments Using Direct Upload Video, or read the written directions below.

Run Time: 03:12 

IMPORTANT: Before bulk importing student enrollments, best practice is to visit the Courses tab in Explorer to view the available classes into which students can be enrolled.

TIP: Use the data grid filters to narrow the class options if you are using your own teachers.

When you are ready, click the Export all data icon to export your file and minimize for later reference.

Navigate to the Enrollments tab.

Click Import. Then, select Student Enrollments from the drop-down menu.

The Import Enrollments modal (pop-up window) opens. Make sure Direct Upload is selected.

Click on Download an example import file to open sample Excel spreadsheet.

Once the file is open, enable editing and expand the fields.

IMPORTANT: Columns with an asterisk are required fields. These fields are Username, Class Id, Start Date, and End Date.

TIP: Reference your previously downloaded course list spreadsheet for Class ID. Reference the Users data grid for Username information.

Type the usernames of the students you wish to enroll in the Username* column, as well as the Class Id*, Start Date*, and End Date* in their respective columns.

TIP: To expedite this step, copy and paste the students’ usernames from the Username column in the Users data grid.

IMPORTANT: Remember to name your Excel file and save it to an easily accessible location, as you may have more than one set of enrollments you wish to import. Consider naming it by date or grade.

Close the Excel file.

Select File. Or, drag and drop your file from your save location.

If your file uploads successfully, with all required columns included, you will receive a confirmation.

TIP: To remove the file before upload, or to replace the file, click the trashcan icon.

If your file contains errors, the errors will be identified, and a downloadable spreadsheet will be available to help with error correction. 

When ready, click Submit Import.

A confirmation banner displays, and the enrollments are then pushed for approval.

IMPORTANT: Please allow 24 hours for your bulk enrollment imports to be approved. An email will be sent notifying you when these records are approved or rejected.

Click here to return to the top of the article.

Bulk Importing Student Enrollments Using Class Search

Using the Class Search option is useful for enrolling multiple students in the same class or creating multiple enrollments into several classes.

Click the Play button below to view Bulk Importing Student Enrollments Using Class Search Video or read the written directions below.

Run Time: 04:25

IMPORTANT: Before bulk importing student enrollments, best practice is to visit the Courses tab in Explorer to view the available classes into which students can be enrolled.

TIP: Use the data grid filters to narrow the class options if you are using your own teachers.

When you are ready, click the Export all data icon to export your file.

Open a new Excel file. Assign the title Username* to column 1A.

IMPORTANT: Remember to include the asterisk * after Username in your column title, as it denotes a required field.

Type the usernames of the students you wish to enroll in the Username* column.

TIP: To expedite this step, copy and paste the students' usernames from the Username column in the Users data grid.

IMPORTANT: Remember to name your Excel file and save it to an easily accessible location, as you may have more than one set of students you wish to import. Consider naming it by date, grade, or class.

Close the Excel file.

In Pulse, navigate to the Enrollments tab.

Click Import. Then, select Student Enrollments from the drop-down menu.

The Import Enrollments modal (pop-up window) opens. Make sure Class Search is selected and use the drop-down arrows to narrow your search options.

IMPORTANT: Choosing Lincoln Learning Solutions State Certified Teacher does not automatically mean you are enrolling in a Lincoln State Empowered course. You will need to ensure you choose your state's Empowered course.

TIP: This step is a good time to open the class Excel you exported from the Courses tab and to verify the information on the spreadsheet is correct.

In the Search Class field of the Import Enrollments modal, begin to type the class name into which you wish to import your students. Then, select the appropriate class from the drop-down list.

The Class Id and Teacher are identified. Compare this information with the information in the class spreadsheet.

Repeat the process as often as necessary to enroll students in additional classes. Review the details for each course by clicking the course name.

Select File. Or, drag and drop your file from your saved location.

If your file uploads successfully, with all required columns included, you will receive a confirmation.

TIP: To remove the file before upload, or to replace the file with another, click the trashcan icon.

If your file contains errors, the errors will be identified and a downloadable spreadsheet will be available to help with error correction. 

Assign a Start Date and End Date by clicking the drop-down arrows and selecting the appropriate date(s) from the calendar tool.

IMPORTANT: The Start Date and End Date you assign at this step will become the import dates for all enrollments being imported. If you wish to assign different start and end dates for different groups of students, you must complete a separate bulk import process for each group.

When ready, click Enroll Users.

A confirmation banner displays for each enrolled class. The enrollments are then pushed for approval.

IMPORTANT: Please allow 24 hours for your bulk enrollment imports to be approved. An email will be sent notifying you when these records are approved or rejected.

Click here to return to the top of the article.

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