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Client Roles in Pulse

This article clarifies client role options in Pulse, the student management system.

IMPORTANT: Because users can be assigned multiple roles in Pulse, duplicate accounts are not needed. Before creating a new account, make sure the user does not already exist in Pulse.


Pulse Permissions Considerations

Client Admin

All Clients need to identify at least one Client Admin user.

Primary Abilities:

  • Create and manage student users and student enrollments
  • Create and manage mentor users and mentor-to-student observations
  • Generate standard and custom reports


    Client Teacher

    All Client Teachers begin their access in Pulse.

    Primary Abilities:

    • Read access to Enrollments and Student Records associated to their client and courses
    • Generate standard and custom reports
    • Edit start and end dates associated to the students within their courses

    Course Manager permissions can be applied to a Client Teacher role.

    Client Mentor

    Client Mentors, (e.g., school contacts, student learning advocates) who provide students with academic support and coaching use this role.

    Primary Abilities:

    • Read access to Enrollments and Student Records for the students they are supporting
    • Generate standard and custom reports

    This role does not have the ability to create student users or add/update enrollment details in Pulse.


    Mentors (e.g., parents, guardians) have this role.

    Primary Abilities:

    • Read access to Enrollments and Student Records for the students they are supporting
    • Generate standard and custom reports

    This role does not have the ability to create student users or add/update enrollment details in Pulse.


    Students have LMS only setup in Pulse. They bypass the Pulse system, and, using the Single Sign On (SSO) features, go directly to Buzz.

    Primary Abilities:



    Pulse Client Roles in Buzz

    When using Lincoln Learning Solutions' (LLS) instance of Buzz, the roles assigned to users in Pulse affect that user's experience in Buzz. See the image below for more information.



    Please note the images found in this resource may not match your screen. Access and/or features may vary based on client contract.

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