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Allowing Retries and Multiple Attempts

This resource will provide information on how teachers can allow retries, multiple attempts, and reset assessments in their LMS.

Allowing a student to retake an assessment is a powerful teaching tool which supports effective feedback, allows students to refine their skills, assists students in identifying areas of improvement, and more. Each LMS utilizing Lincoln Learning content allows students to retake assessments with teacher intervention.

Select your LMS to see information regarding how to apply a retry, reset, or multiple assessment attempts.

If you do not see your LMS listed, visit your LMS help center for assistance.

TIP: Keep a tracker of resets. This will help with reminders, follow-ups, and seeing patterns of retakes.


When using Buzz you have the option to manually reset a single assessment or set up automatic retakes prior to grading.

IMPORTANT: You can manually reset both online and upload assessments. Upload assessments cannot have an automatic reset assigned. They need to be manually reset after grading.

Manual Resets

Manually resetting an assessment can be done in the Grade Editor. Review How do I use the Grade Editor? to see the process.

IMPORTANT: If a student submits a gradable item and it requires scoring, you must first score the item before allowing a retry.

TIP: Provide students feedback containing a timeframe for resubmissions to ensure you don’t end up with multiple open resets at the end of the course. It is helpful to encourage the student to retake their assessment in a timely manner while the specific content is still fresh in their minds.

Automatic Retake Options

Online assessments are able to have attempts adjusted so student can self-retake. Students can retake if this setting is adjusted before manual grading is completed by the teacher on a single assessment or if a bulk edit is completed on a number of assessments.

Applying Automatic Retake Options to an Online Assessment

What assessment tools can I enable for my students? outlines automatic retake options you can enable for students in an assessment.

Bulk Changing Attempts for Multiple Online Assessments

If you want to allow multiple attempts on a number of online assessments, view How do I make changes to multiple activities at one (Bulk Edit)? for more information.

Additional Buzz Resources

Assessment activity editor

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By default, Lincoln Learning Assess Its (assessments) are formatted as a Canvas New Quiz and do not allow students to retake them after submission. However, using Canvas features gives teachers the ability to allow multiple Assess It attempts for either all students or a single student within a course.

NOTE: Allowing multiple Assess It attempts can be done before or after an initial attempt is completed.

TIP: If making Assess It changes after student completion, communicate to students or the student that the Assess It can be retaken.

Allowing Multiple Attempts for All Students

Review How do I manage settings for a quiz in New Quizzes? to see how you can grant all students taking the assessment multiple attempts.

 NOTE: As changes are made, the changes will automatically save. 

Allowing Multiple Attempts for a Single Student

How do I moderate a student's quiz attempt in New Quizzes? will provide information on how you can adjust the number of attempts for a single student.

IMPORTANT: When allowing a single student additional Assess It attempts, the highest score will be the one recorded in the Gradebook.

NOTE: Additional Attempts identifies how many submissions a student can make after the initial Assess It submission. Should a student need another attempt after being granted one additional attempt, go in and set Additional Attempts at 2.

Additional Canvas Resources

Once I publish a quiz, how can I give my students extra attempts?

Once I publish a quiz, how do I use the Moderate Quiz page?

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Learning Tree

Resetting a graded activity in Learning Tree can be done in a variety of places. Reviewing Learning Tab: Grading an Activity will instruct on the many areas where resetting an activity can be done as well as what action to take to reset an item.

IMPORTANT: Resetting a student's assessment will wipe out the score and previous teacher feedback and allows the student to retake the assessment. The most recent score is what will show in the student's report card.

Additional Learning Tree Resources

Learning Tab: Activity Progress

Overall Community Speed Grader

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This is a Lincoln Learning Solutions product. Access/features may vary based on client contract.

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