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Resetting a User Password in Pulse

This article explains how to reset a user password in Pulse.

IMPORTANT: Depending on the client's single sign-on configuration, a client admin may not be able to update passwords in Pulse.

In the Explorer tab, navigate to Users and search for the user who password you wish to reset.

Click the checkbox of the appropriate row to select it. 

Click the Change Password icon in the upper right-hand toolbar.

IMPORTANT: The icon is unavailable until a row is selected.

A pop-up window prompts you to change the user’s password. Enter the new password twice. Then, click Set Password.

IMPORTANT: If the passwords do not match, an error message populates.

Once the passwords match, a confirmation message populates. The user’s password is now reset.


Please note the images found in this resource may not match your screen. Access and/or features may vary based on client contract.

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