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Course Setup and Enrollments

This article provides course setup and enrollment information including pacing recommendations.

Full Credit Courses

A full credit course (e.g., English Language Arts 2) contains 180 lessons in 12 modules. These courses are set up as a full school year course (180 days).

Half Credit Courses

A half credit course contains 90 lessons in 6 modules. These courses are set up as a semester course (90 days).

IMPORTANT: Any full credit course can be set up as Semester 1 and Semester 2 (e.g., English Language Arts 2 Semester 1 and English Language Arts 2 Semester 2).

Quarter Credit Courses

A quarter credit course contains 45 lessons in 3 modules. These courses are set up as a nine-week course (45 days).

TIP: Enrollments for these courses can be 45 days, but some may decide to make them 90 days or 180 days suggesting lesson completion to be every other day or every four days.

Special Cases: K-2 Science and Social Studies

Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade Science and Social Studies courses are designed as half credit courses. However, their ideal enrollment is 180 days (versus 90 days). At these grade levels, the courses are designed for students to alternate every other day.

A student can be enrolled in one of these courses for 90 days and enrolled in the other course for the remaining 90 days, or the student can be enrolled in both simultaneously for 180 days.

UPDATE: As of August 2021, there is the option for K-2 students to be enrolled in Science and Social Studies courses over the course of a year to provide additional flexibility. If this enrollment option is chosen, a student can take a Science or Social Studies course once or twice per week versus every day of the school week. While the courses remain 90-day offerings, the semesters are delivered as 45 days over the 90-day time period.

Enrollment Considerations

The pacing for a Continuous course type is generated based on the start and end date and the number of activities in the course (i.e., soft due dates). It is recommended that students complete one lesson per day (45 minutes – 1 hour) per enrolled course in each core subject area to stay on pace. The due dates for each Checkpoint and Assess It serve as guides for students to stay on pace to finish the course in a consistent and timely manner. 

Lincoln Learning does not require a certain number of lessons per day or week but individual school districts may. Additionally, students are not required to do all activities found within a lesson unless a district sets that requirement. Please reference the What is a Learning Object? document for additional specifics on essential, supplemental, and required activities.

When using Lincoln Learning Solutions’ Instructional Services, students are not penalized for submitting work after the due dates shown in each course. However, this can be adjusted if taught by client teachers.

DISCLAIMER: The lesson-per-day pacing recommendations assume the assigned start and end dates correspond to the number of lessons available to the student. If a client teacher adds, removes, or hides content in a Continuous course type, the initially projected due dates will be adjusted by the system. A teacher can hide content for individual students that might have been covered in the first nine weeks if newly enrolled students start at any lesson other than the first lesson in the course.


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