Learning Object Overview

This resource defines a learning object (LO), highlights the different types of LOs, and explores the Teach It in-depth.

Learning Objects

Lincoln Empowered is made up of learning objects. These learning objects can be assigned independently, but when they are arranged in courses, they create rich lessons. Not all learning objects are the same. Each learning object type provides students with a different approach to learning. These varied approaches will keep students on their toes, creating an experience that is fun--and more importantly, engaging!

The video below defines a learning object (LO) and explores how it can be used. Click the Play button below to get started. Or, click here for additional written directions.


Run Time: 03:30


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Lesson Contents

Each lesson will contain a variety of learning objects. Some of the objects are considered essential while others are enhancements. The Read It and/or Teach It is the main instructional text of the lesson and is an essential part of learning. To demonstrate mastery of the content taught in the Read Its and/or Teach Its, students must submit all Assess Its within a course. Submission of all assessments is the only requirement for the successful completion of a course.

Completing a Show It, Apply It, and/or Practice It is also important. These learning objects allow students to demonstrate their understanding of the content in a low-stakes manner as these objects are not graded. The other learning objects found within a lesson (Watch It, Play It, Reinforce It, and Extend It) are meant for supplemental learning

Types of Learning Objects

Click here for a printer-friendly version of the Learning Object Overview.

Below is an explanation of the different types of learning objects students might encounter in a course. 

Read Its are the primary learning tools within a course. Each Read It provides the essential instructional content to support a specific learning objective. Each Read It has an accompanying Show It and Answer Key. The Read It will also be accompanied by an Assess It when student work will be graded.

Teach Its provide a real “teacher voice” for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. These learning objects are intended to guide the learner through the Read It content. Teach Its call out specific elements to which students may need to pay special attention. Teach Its may also help to clarify the content. Students should focus on either the Read It or Teach It as the instructional portion of the lesson.

To learn more about Teach Its, see the Teach It information below.

Practice Its provide the opportunity for students to practice new skills and concepts. These learning objects contain online and offline activities and problem sets. Answers are immediately provided within Practice Its.
Show Its are non-graded activities that allow students to demonstrate mastery of a specific learning objective. Teachers can elect to make Show Its gradable. Each Show It has an accompanying Answer Key.
Answer Keys provide correct answers and detailed feedback. Each Show It and Apply It will have an associated Answer Key. If teachers make a Show It or Apply It gradable, they can hide Answer Keys from students. Answer Keys are often available for Reinforce Its and Extend Its as well.
Apply Its are non-graded assessments that cover content from multiple lessons. Apply Its are cumulative projects that allow students to demonstrate mastery of several learning objectives and/or standards. Teachers can elect to make these gradable. Each Apply It has an accompanying Answer Key.

Assess Its are graded assessments that allow students to demonstrate mastery. They appear as online or uploaded assessments. Mastery Assess Its are larger, topic-based online assessments. Mastery Assess Its include question types such as multiple choice, multiple answer, ordering, matching, and essay.

Click here for help with submitting an Online Assessment.

Click here for help with submitting an Upload Assessment.

Teacher Note: If a lesson has an Assess It, the other related non-graded learning objects, aside from the Read It, will be hidden from students.

Watch Its contain engaging videos to support the lesson content and enhance the student learning experience.
Play Its contain exciting, standards-aligned games to reinforce skills.
Reinforce Its are designed to reinforce specific concepts and skills. These objects provide an alternate approach to learning.
Extend Its are designed to help students extend their knowledge in specific content areas.

Teach It

Click the Play button below to get started, or read about a Teach It below.


Run Time: 02:06

Feature Overview

Our Teach It learning objects are made for students who benefit from hearing course content in addition to reading and interacting with it. The Teach It learning objects bring a teaching voice to a student’s experience within the course. An animated character guides the student through a Read It, employing a conversational tone while narrating and highlighting important content and sending the student to the Read It to complete online activities and check responses. The Teach It is not a tool for delivering new instructional material, extending conceptual material, or replacing existing Read Its within the sequence of the course. Rather, it offers the student an alternative route to increased comprehension of the educational content.


K–5 core courses contain Teach Its.

Top Facts

  1. There are more than 7,000 Teach Its available for students.
  2. Teach Its can be found in 24 core courses in grades K through 5.
  3. Animated characters act as a teacher in elementary Teach Its.
  4. Teach Its are not merely passive objects; students regularly are directed back to the Read Its to complete activities and engage with other interactive elements.


Teach It learning objects were designed to target a different modality for learners working their way through a course. They can help support English language learners as well as students with reading disabilities, low vision, or other visual impairments.

The intent is to guide the learner through the content, calling out specific elements to which they may need to pay special attention or add clarity to some pieces of the Read It. Teach Its aid in reading comprehension and provide a model for fluent reading while helping to reduce anxiety about reading text.

Coming Soon 

The Teach It learning objects will be expanding into the middle-level core courses including English Language Arts 6, Mathematics 6, Science 6, Middle School Geography, and Middle School Physical Science. While similar in asset type, the middle-level Teach It videos will use innovative technology to bring a teaching voice to a student’s experience within the course. Teach It videos, powered by ProfJim, will be driven by a lifelike avatar. While the videos are generated from the Read It content and will still closely align to the content and the learning objective to which they are written, they will not be instructional walkthroughs of the existing Read Its. Instead, these interactive videos will offer an alternative lesson perspective to support the Read It including opportunities for low-stakes assessment with instant feedback. Just like the elementary Teach Its, the middle-level Teach Its are not tools for delivering new instructional material, extending conceptual material, or replacing existing Read Its within the sequence of the course. Rather, they offer students alternative routes to increased comprehension of the educational content. 


Q: What would be the best way for a teacher to use Lincoln Empowered’s Teach Its in a brick-and-mortar setting?


  • Use a station-in-centers rotation when working with Teach Its.
  • In a flipped classroom style, assign the Teach It/Read It for the night before the lesson is taught in person.
  • Assign Teach Its to transfer students for a review of skills or concepts that were not covered in previous school placement.
  • Assign Teach Its as a review for students who need reinforcement or remediation of a skill.
  • Assign Teach Its from lower or higher grade levels or courses to expand learning options.

Q: What would be the most appropriate way for a teacher to use Lincoln Empowered’s Teach Its in an asynchronous virtual setting?

A: See the suggestions listed above. Also, in this context, Teach Its give students independence in learning.

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