This resource provides information about the Credit Recovery course option.
Click the Play button below to view the Credit Recovery video, or read about the Credit Recovery option below.
Run Time: 01:32
Click the links below to navigate directly to that section.
- Curriculum Overview
- Top Facts
- General Details
- Credit Information
- Course Overview
- Assessment Structure
- Resources
Curriculum Overview
Lincoln Learning Solutions offers Credit Recovery courses that provide students the opportunity to recover credits while building their own pathways of learning. Students may test out of content they have mastered and spend more time on the content they need to revisit.
Click here to return to the top of the article.Top Facts
- Credit Recovery content is course-specific content. Design is highly dependent on the standards, the discipline area, and the pedagogy surrounding the online delivery of the content.
- Assessment questions are aligned and tagged at the learning objective level, and students are assessed at the learning objective level. Learning objectives collectively meet the standards.
- The Credit Recovery courses are intended to be an abbreviated experience as students should already have some functional understanding of the content.
- Students will be able to meet performance expectations via the coursework presented to them along with support from their teacher.
General Details
Lesson Structure
- Topic > Pre-Test > Lessons > Post-Test
Learning Object Design
Lessons are driven by behavioral, age-appropriate learning objectives that are based on subject and grade-appropriate national standards. The content is supported by text, imagery, audio, and video. Courses include a Course Resources learning object that houses a course pacing guide along with supportive videos.
Click here to learn more about the Lincoln Learning Objects.
Activity Time
- Per lesson is an average of 30-60 minutes.
- 1 Lesson = 1 Day of learning (1 hour) per course.
Click here to learn more about the Pacing Guide.
Click here to return to the top of the article.Credit Information
- Lincoln Learning Solutions offers various Credit Recovery courses in semester formats.
Course Overview
- Each course begins with a Course Resources folder that contains a pacing guide and two required videos for students.
- Each course contains topic-level folders.
- Each topic is assessed by a Pre-Test that drives the content available in the Lessons that follow.
- The Post-Test assess all learning objectives associated to the topic in order to demonstrate mastery.
Assessment Structure
This video explains the structure and navigation of a Credit Recovery course that has Pre- and Post-Tests. Click the Play button to get started.
Run Time: 03:07
- Students can contact their teacher with any questions regarding course content, assignments, and assessment feedback.
- The first lesson in a topic folder contains a Pre-Test that students must take. If students master specific learning objectives on the Pre-Test, they will be excused from that content moving forward.
- Students are required to take all Assess Its that have not been excused based on their achievement on the Pre-Tests. They must be taken in chronological order.
- The last lesson within a topic folder contains a Post-Test for that topic. Students must take the Post-Test and pass a certain threshold to move on.
- Pre-Tests do not factor into a student’s final grade.
- Only Post-Test Assess Its are submitted for grading.
- The Post-Test threshold is set at 60%, and students have unlimited retries on all Post-Tests.
The below video walks through the steps for viewing hidden/excused content in the Buzz LMS. Click the Play button to get started.
Run Time: 01:40
Q: Is Lincoln Learning's Credit Recovery available in various learning management systems?
A: Currently, Credit Recovery is only available in the Agilix Buzz learning management system.
Q: What is the difference between Credit Recovery and Remediation?
A: Credit Recovery courses are designed to provide students with a guided focus on content that they have not necessarily mastered. Credit Recovery courses only include content from the target course. Remediation courses are designed to remediate specific concepts or commonly tested state-standard ideas. They may include content from multiple courses.
Q: What is the difference between Credit Recovery and Auto-Graded?
A: Credit Recovery courses are designed to provide students with a guided focus on content that they have not necessarily mastered. Auto-Graded courses are designed to transition students who may or may not have experienced the course and its content. Only auto-graded assignments are included in the Auto-Graded courses.
Q: Can accommodations be applied to Credit Recovery courses?
A: If using Lincoln Learning Solutions Teachers, please reference our Student Support Services Overview for more information.
Q: Are Credit Recovery courses NCAA-Eligible?
A: The Lincoln Empowered Credit Recovery courses are not NCAA eligible.
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