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Communication Options in Your LMS

This article outlines various communication options available to teachers in their learning management system.

Communicating with students is important for their continued growth and improvement. Take advantage of the communication options you have in your learning management system (LMS) to keep your students informed.

Click the LMS name below to navigate to that section.

If you do not see your LMS listed, visit your LMS help center for assistance.


Buzz offers the use of an Agenda, Landing Page, and Announcements to communicate with your students.


Located on the Course Home Page, the Agenda can highlight reminders and upcoming events for students.

IMPORTANT: You must Enable Agendas from Course settings to use these features.

Under the Course title, check the box next to Use agendas in this course to enable the agendas feature. Then select SAVE in the upper right.

Add Agenda items by clicking the pencil icon. To use an item in another course, Duplicate the Agenda item by selecting the double square icon. To view a different week, select the Calendar.

You also have the ability to link a course activity, course resource, or website to the Agenda.

Visit How do I create agendas for my students? for information on creating and duplicating agendas.

Landing Page

The Landing Page is the first page you see when you open a course. This is a great place to add static, meaningful information students will need to reference throughout the course such as your contact information, office hours, and more.

After opening the course, click ADD LANDING-PAGE CONTENT.

Once your Landing Page has been created, you can edit the page content by clicking the pencil icon.


Announcements allow you to send a message to individual courses or groups of courses. A good time to send an announcement is when there is a change in the content or schedule, a reminder of an upcoming due date, or other important information that is relevant to all students in the course(s).

Click the New Announcement icon in the Communication toolbar.

Select your course(s), set a start and end date, and type the subject and body of the announcement. To post the announcement, click POST in the upper right corner. Your announcement is now posted. You can edit or delete the announcement at any time.

  • To edit an announcement, click on the pencil.
  • To delete an announcement, click on the X

Visit How do I create announcements? for more information on this communication tool.

Click here to return to the top of the article.


The Inbox messaging tool allows you to communicate with a course, group, individual student, or groups of students. A good time to send a message is when there is a change in the content or schedule, a reminder of an upcoming due date, or other important information that is relevant to all students in the course(s). You can also send a message to an individual student regarding an assignment or their performance.

From Global Navigation, click Inbox and then click the pencil icon to compose a new message.

After you select your recipients, type the subject and body of the message. Click Send to deliver the message.

Additional Canvas Resources

What is the Inbox?

How do I use the Inbox as an instructor?

Click here to return to the top of the article.


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This is a Lincoln Learning Solutions product. Access/features may vary based on client contract.

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