Knowing Your Student's Curriculum

This article provides an overview of the Lincoln Learning curriculum design.

Parents and guardians should be familiar with their student's curriculum to support their child's learning and communicate effectively with teachers about progress and challenges.

Lincoln Learning Curriculum

Our innovative curriculum blends content and technology to create unique student learning experiences. Lessons are driven by age-appropriate learning objectives based on subject and grade-appropriate national standards.


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TIP: Click on the hyperlinked text to learn about that curriculum feature.

Curriculum Options

Lincoln Learning has a variety of curriculum options for students in early kindergarten through twelfth grade. View the links below which correlate to the curriculum your student is using to better understand:

  • Course structure by grade band
  • Lesson Structure
  • Assessment structure
  • Activity time per lesson

Empowered Curriculum Overview Links

Integrated EK (Early Kindergarten) Curriculum Overview

Grades K-2 (Lower Elementary) Curriculum Overview

Grades 3-5 (Older Elementary Curriculum Overview

Grades 6-8 (Middle School) Curriculum Overview

Grades 9-12 (High School) Curriculum Overview

Electives and World Languages Curriculum Overview

Lincoln State Empowered Curriculum Overview

Auto-Graded Course Overview

Credit Recovery Course Overview

Course Design

Every Lincoln Learning course contains Course Resources with information regarding pacing, materials lists, worksheets, reading logs, etc.

One of the most important resources is the Pacing Guide. The Pacing Guide is the layout of the entire course and identifies each module, the lessons within each module, and the learning objects, or what we call Its, within the lesson.

Learning objects are bite-sized pieces of content. Not all learning objects are the same; each learning object type provides students with a different approach to learning based on the learning objective for the lesson. Foundational learning objects are:

  • Read Its contain all lesson content; think of the Read It as a chapter in a textbook.
  • Show Its are an ungraded opportunity for students to practice what they learned and check their answers. Think of the Show Its like homework.
  • Assess Its are formative, graded, checkpoint assignments after every five lessons. These can be either teacher-graded or auto-graded.
  • Mastery Assess Its are summative, graded assignments that assess what students have learned within an entire Module.

Read the Assessments Overview for more information, and to help your children submit their assessments, visit the Submitting Online Assessments and Submitting Upload Assessments resources.


Texthelp is a feature found in Lincoln Learning content that enables students to interact with the information on their screens and better understand the content in their courses. Read the Texthelp Features Overview resource for more information.

Social and Emotional Learning

The Guide to Social and Emotional Learning: K-2 was created to help support an adult with the social and emotional development of the student. Review the Social and Emotional Learning in K-2 Overview resource for more information.

Parent and Teacher Guide

Available in our early kindergarten through fifth-grade core courses, the Parent and Teacher Guide gives adults working with a student additional information and activities to enrich the student experience. Review the Parent and Teacher Guide Overview resource for more information.


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